
Our generous sponsors and donors have made it possible to produce the annual Great Lakes Burning River Fest since its inception in 2001. Net proceeds of the Fest are used to make grants to nonprofit organizations that conduct projects for conserving, protecting, and understanding the region's freshwater resources. Along with supporting this important work, sponsorship demonstrates commitment to environmental sustainability and to making Cleveland a desirable place to be.

Partnership Benefits

If you or your company would like to join our growing list of supporters of the 2019 Great Lakes Burning River Fest, please contact Saul Kliorys at saulk@greatlakesbrewing.com. Click on "Partnership Benefits" above for a full description of sponsor levels and benefits.

2019 Sponsors

In 2019, The Burning River Fest partnered with these generous organizations to fulfill the sustainability initiatives set forth by the Burning River Foundation. Without their support, Great Lakes Burning River Fest would not be possible.